Cnn The Eighties Tear Down This Wall Worksheet Answers

CNN the Eighties Tear Down This Wall Worksheet Answers presents a captivating exploration of Ronald Reagan’s iconic speech, a defining moment in Cold War history. This comprehensive guide unveils the significance of the Berlin Wall, Reagan’s rhetorical brilliance, and the profound impact of his words on global affairs.

Through a detailed analysis of Reagan’s speech, this worksheet provides insights into the historical context, persuasive techniques, and long-term consequences of his powerful message.

Historical Context of “Tear Down This Wall”: Cnn The Eighties Tear Down This Wall Worksheet Answers

Cnn the eighties tear down this wall worksheet answers

The Berlin Wall, erected in 1961, physically and symbolically divided East and West Berlin during the Cold War. It represented the ideological divide between the communist East and the capitalist West, becoming a potent symbol of Soviet oppression.

Ronald Reagan, elected President of the United States in 1981, made confronting the Soviet Union a cornerstone of his foreign policy. He sought to challenge the status quo in Europe and promote democratic values.

In 1987, Europe was experiencing a period of political upheaval. The Soviet Union under Mikhail Gorbachev had embarked on a policy of glasnost (openness) and perestroika (restructuring), leading to a thaw in relations between East and West.

Reagan’s Speech in Berlin

On June 12, 1987, President Reagan delivered a powerful speech at the Brandenburg Gate in Berlin, challenging the Soviet Union to tear down the Berlin Wall.

Reagan employed rhetorical devices such as repetition, parallel structure, and appeals to emotion to convey his message. He argued that the wall was a symbol of oppression and a barrier to freedom.

The speech resonated globally, sending a clear message of support for the people of East Germany and putting pressure on the Soviet Union to reconsider its stance.

The Legacy of “Tear Down This Wall”, Cnn the eighties tear down this wall worksheet answers

Reagan’s speech is widely credited with contributing to the fall of the Berlin Wall in 1989. It galvanized the pro-democracy movement in East Germany and sent a strong signal to the Soviet Union that the West would not tolerate the continued division of Europe.

The speech had a lasting impact on U.S.-Soviet relations, leading to further dialogue and cooperation between the two superpowers.

Reagan’s speech became a symbol of the triumph of democracy over authoritarianism, inspiring people worldwide to fight for freedom and human rights.

Contemporary Relevance of “Tear Down This Wall”

The legacy of Reagan’s speech remains relevant today. It serves as a reminder of the power of words and the importance of standing up for what is right.

The speech can inspire action and promote dialogue in the face of contemporary global challenges, such as authoritarianism, inequality, and climate change.

Symbolic Barriers in the World
Barrier Significance Relevance to “Tear Down This Wall”
Great Wall of China Symbol of national unity and defense Physical barrier dividing people
Mexico-United States border wall Symbol of immigration control and national security Physical barrier separating people
Israeli West Bank barrier Symbol of security and territorial dispute Physical barrier dividing people

User Queries

What was the significance of the Berlin Wall during the Cold War?

The Berlin Wall symbolized the division between East and West during the Cold War, representing the ideological conflict between communism and capitalism.

How did Reagan’s speech contribute to the fall of the Berlin Wall?

Reagan’s powerful words challenged the legitimacy of the Berlin Wall and inspired hope for freedom in Eastern Europe, ultimately contributing to its eventual collapse.

What rhetorical devices did Reagan employ in his speech?

Reagan used rhetorical devices such as repetition, metaphors, and direct address to create a persuasive and emotionally resonant message.